FamilyBoost is a new childcare payment designed to help eligable families with young children manage the rising costs of early childhood education (ECE). The payment will be equal to 25% of ECE fees already paid by households, with a maximum weekly refund of up to $75. FamilyBoost will be available for ECE fees paid from 1 July 2024, with the first refunds being made in October.
We Are Ready!
We are pleased to confirm that Future Kids will continue to provide weekly invoices, which will soon also contain IRD compliant information, required by families to submit to IRD for their FamilyBoost quarterly payment.
Are you eligable?
Being eligible for FamilyBoost will depend on who cares for your children, your household income and the type of childcare you pay for.
You may be able to receive FamilyBoost if:
you are the caregiver of a child or children aged 5 and under
you have household income of less than $180,000 a year
you have costs from a licensed early childhood education (ECE) provider
you are a tax resident of New Zealand.
How to get FamilyBoost:
You will be able to register for and claim FamilyBoost in myIR. If you do not have a myIR account, you will need to create one. Click here.
And then you will be able to register for Family Boost: Click here. You only need to register once.
You can register from mid-September 2024.
To register you will need:
· a myIR login
· an IRD number for each child attending Early Childhood Education (ECE)
· your bank information
· your partner’s details.
From 1 July 2024, start saving copies of invoices from Future Kids Preschool. You will need to save these as an image or PDF file.
If your children go to different ECE providers, you will need invoices from each ECE provider.
You can submit your claim for FamilyBoost from 1 October 2024.
You will need to make a new claim for each 3-month period.
I hope this helps you navigate your way to a little cash in your pocket.